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The Faculty of Economics as the “youngest” faculty at UNY, immediately made a breakthrough. Vice Dean I FE UNY Dr. Moerdiyanto, M.Pd.Tuesday (11/10) FE launched the website and SIKAFE (Academic Information System Faculty of Economics). The event which was held in the Meeting Room of the Dean of FE UNY was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean III, Head of Department/Study Program, Head of Subdivision/Head of Subdivision, Head of BEM and Head of Student Association of FE UNY.
According to FE Public Relations, Isti K, S.Pd, both programs can be accessed via the internet to serve the academic needs of students and the general public who are looking for information about FE UNY. This website is part of the work program of the Public Relations of FE UNY and if the public wants to access the FE UNY website, please visit Meanwhile, the Academic Information System of the Faculty of Economics (SIKAFE) is a work program from the first ranks and the Academic and Student Affairs Subdivision of FE UNY.
On the other hand, Moerdiyanto said that the two programs were included in the 100-day Program under the leadership of the Dean of FE UNY. "Within one week the two programs have been realized, of course it cannot be separated from the hard work and support from all parties, both the leadership and administrative staff," he said.
Moerdiyanto also added that in institutions that are engaged in providing education services to the public, the website is used as a means of delivering or expanding information and communication between education providers and the community. So that wherever the location of the community in all corners of the world will feel close to our institution. In addition, the website is also the main means in improving the image and quality of the provision of educational services. For this reason, the FE UNY website is expected to always provide the latest information or updates so that it can provide various information needed by the community.
While the Dean of FE UNY, Dr. Sugiharsono, M.Si. said that related to academic services to students, it is necessary to simplify administrative management. In addition, in order to go to an online integrated service, FE UNY has launched the SIKAFE program which includes facilities including making semester class schedules, making a Decree (SK) for teaching lecturers as well as a link to the honorarium list, requesting a survey permit from the Department and a Survey Permit from the Dean, application for thesis supervisor, examiner, free theory, judiciary, graduation data reports and letters related to student needs. To open the SIKAFE service, students can access the address:, said Sugiharsono when launching SIKAFE. (isti/ls)
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