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Two students of the Economics Education Study Program, FE UNY, Eryan Dwi Susanti and Eka Riyani, made a proud achievement by winning 1st place in the scientific writing competition (LKTI) titled the 2015 ABITA Festival with the theme "United Hearts to Build Our Indonesia in Facing Global Competition". The final round of LKTI organized by the Student Executive Board of the Semarang State Polytechnic was held on April 13-14 2015 to bring together the work of the finalists from both the student and student categories. Eryan and Eka's scientific work with the title "Omah Dolanan, Traditional Children's Game Tour to Suppress Indonesian Cultural Decadence in Facing Global Competition", outperformed the work of other participants from several well-known universities in Central Java and DIY, including Semarang State Polytechnic,
Eryan stated "we compiled this scientific paper because we are concerned that many children are addicted to playing games, even games that contain violence and pornography that can trigger acts of violence committed by children". Furthermore, Eka added, "Our concern is getting bigger when we see the phenomenon that Indonesian children nowadays tend to not recognize various traditional children's toys which are actually loaded with educational content". Based on this background, the idea emerged to build Omah Dolanan so that children are more familiar with traditional games and can directly practice them with their peers so that they are able to hone morals and superior character to Indonesian children while preserving Indonesian culture.
In the end, related to the ideas they put forward, Eka and Eryan hoped that the authorities such as the Regional Government through the Culture and Tourism Office, culturalists and artists, as well as all levels of society were willing to lend a hand, work together and unite to realize the existence of Traditional Children's Dolanan Tourism in various areas. areas in Indonesia. (drw)
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