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The outbreak of covid-19 has changed the new order not only in the manufacturing sector, but also for the MSME sector since April 2020. One of the national economic recovery efforts carried out by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic is to encourage the MSME sector, which has an important role in the economy. because of the large number of workers who are directly involved. To support and empower MSMEs, there is no other option that is more relevant than the use of digital technology. Therefore, the Economic Education Laboratory held an online seminar with the theme Building MSME Productivity in a Pandemic Period with Innovation and Technology. This activity was opened with remarks from the Dean of FE UNY, Dr. Siswanto M.Pd who stated that the increase in business class from micro scale to small and small to medium enterprises should be supported, along with ongoing efforts to encourage the growth of entrepreneurs or new startups in Indonesia. This activity presented three speakers, the first speaker was Bayu Bharotodiastro, ST., MM., MBA as the District Cooperatives and UKM Office. Sleman, the second resource person is Sudiman Bandiyo as management and research consultant, the third resource person is Supriyanto, MM is a lecturer in Economics Education at UNY. The activity was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 and was attended by 96 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. This activity presented three speakers, the first speaker was Bayu Bharotodiastro, ST., MM., MBA as the District Cooperatives and UKM Office. Sleman, the second resource person is Sudiman Bandiyo as management and research consultant, the third resource person is Supriyanto, MM is a lecturer in Economics Education at UNY. The activity was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 and was attended by 96 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. This activity presented three speakers, the first speaker was Bayu Bharotodiastro, ST., MM., MBA as the District Cooperatives and UKM Office. Sleman, the second resource person is Sudiman Bandiyo as management and research consultant, the third resource person is Supriyanto, MM is a lecturer in Economics Education at UNY. The activity was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 and was attended by 96 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. M is a lecturer in Economics Education at UNY. The activity was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 and was attended by 96 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. M is a lecturer in Economics Education at UNY. The activity was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 and was attended by 96 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity.
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