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As an effort to help teachers and prospective teachers to be able to assess student learning outcomes more objectively, the Economic Education Student Association of FE UNY organized Learning Assessment Training activities. This activity is carried out to provide training to teachers and prospective teachers in providing assessments of student learning outcomes using the Anbuso (Problem Analysis) software. questions and assessment results for students. AnBuso software was created by Mr. Ali Muhson, M.Pd. Lecturer of Statistics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Yoyakarta State University which was developed with the Microsoft Office Excel program to make it easier for teachers to use it. The activity, which was held on March 26, 2016 at the Auditorium of FE UNY, was attended by 92 participants consisting of 72 teachers of SMP and SMA/SMK/MA/equivalent in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and its surroundings and 19 students. In the training, participants did hands-on practice under the guidance of Mr. Ali Muhson, M.Pd. so that it is easier for participants to understand the use of the software provided. In the training, participants did hands-on practice under the guidance of Mr. Ali Muhson, M.Pd. so that it is easier for participants to understand the use of the software provided. In the training, participants did hands-on practice under the guidance of Mr. Ali Muhson, M.Pd. so that it is easier for participants to understand the use of the software provided.
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