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Kuntari Dasih, a student from the Economics Education Department, Faculty of Economics, UNY, won the second place in the 2011 National Youth Leadership Writing Competition, in the General Youth category. The activity which was carried out in commemoration of the 83rd Youth Pledge Day, carried the theme "Active Role and Independence of Youth in Improving National Competitiveness" with five categories, namely Student, Student, Youth Organization (OK), General Youth, and Professional Writer.
There is an unusual story in his success in winning the championship at the event held in October. Notification as the new champion at this time (December), was left behind by the other winners, because Kuntari's identity sheet was lost so it could not be contacted by the committee. "I suddenly received news of the certificate of appreciation and the trophy stating that I had won the championship, which made me shocked and touched," he said.
Kuntari to the editor of the web explained that he raised the title "Transplanting Young Entrepreneurs Through the Formulation of Three Quality Controls Based on Monitoring as a Catalyst to Improve Competitiveness". Kuntari explained in his work that Indonesian youth are in a floating position in the global competition arena. Many of the youth experience role distortion as a result of unpreparedness. This is also what forces youth to become urban class in the midst of their essence as future leaders of the country. Youth who are divided into three groups, namely educated, skilled and not both, finally get the same place as losers because they are unable to survive. The logical consequence is the decline in the image of youth competitiveness in their capacity as a milestone in the nation's movement. he continued, For this reason, a revitalizing strategy is needed that can produce a synergistic reactor in the context of youth regeneration to become leaders who have competent quality control and quality assurance. This step must also be able to bring youth to a positive culmination point, namely by directing them to become reliable entrepreneurs. Character formation will be carried out through continuous monitoring with the aim of establishing a quality control system based on classified so that it can carry out its role towards a real compilation that is strategic in welcoming a country with autonomous and comprehensive prosperity.(Isti/ls) This step must also be able to bring youth to a positive culmination point, namely by directing them to become reliable entrepreneurs. Character formation will be carried out through continuous monitoring with the aim of establishing a quality control system based on classified so that it can carry out its role towards a real compilation that is strategic in welcoming a country with autonomous and comprehensive prosperity.(Isti/ls) This step must also be able to bring youth to a positive culmination point, namely by directing them to become reliable entrepreneurs. Character formation will be carried out through continuous monitoring with the aim of establishing a quality control system based on classified so that it can carry out its role towards a real compilation that is strategic in welcoming a country with autonomous and comprehensive prosperity.(Isti/ls)
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