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The Economic Education Student Association (HIMA) of FISE UNY will hold a National Economic Seminar with the theme "Entrepreneurial Spirits with Character as Provisions for Indonesia to Face Global Challenges". Presenting resource persons Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto, MM Director of Amikom and Prof. Dr. Edy Suandi Hamid, M.Ec. Chancellor of the Islamic University of Indonesia (in confirmation). The event will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at the UNY Auditorium.
According to Abdul Muin, in addition to the national seminar, there will also be a National Working Meeting of IMAPESI (Indonesian Economic Education Student Association) with the theme "The IMAPESI National Working Meeting as a First Step for Contribution to the Progress of Indonesia" on 26-27 March 2011 at Sleman Yogyakarta. The purpose of this activity is to establish cooperation and strengthen and intensify information communication among Economic Education students throughout Indonesia, increase the participation of Economic Education students in developing strategic and constructive thinking for the benefit and continuation of national development and jointly produce solutions and real work in solving Economic Education problems. throughout Indonesia.
For those who are interested in attending the seminar, you can register with the Secretariat of the Economic Education Student Association of the Red Building Complex, FISE UNY or SMS: type SEMNAS_NAMA_INSTANSI/GENERAL, send to 085640384394. Payment will be transferred to BNI account No. 0176960753 on behalf of Fitri Alfarisa. Registration is open March 2-23 2011 at 09.00-15.00 WIB. The contribution of participants: UNY students Rp. 30.000, Non UNY Students Rp. 40,000 and S2, Teacher and General Rp. 50,000. The facilities obtained are in the form of certificates, seminar kits, lunch, snacks and door prizes. (isti/ls)
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