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The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the new order, including the cultivation of character education. Character education has an important role in learning, considering that the assessment of a student is not only seen from the aspect of knowledge, but also attitudes and skills. Therefore, the Development Team of the Faculty of Economics held an online seminar with the theme Building Character Education by Studying at Home. This activity was opened with remarks from the Dean of FE UNY, Dr. Siswanto M.Pd who stated that character education is one part of the activities carried out to carry out a mental revolution in our country in line with the Nawa Cita Program, it is hoped that through character education students have competencies related to inculcating the values of patriotism, the value of the nation's history and love for Indonesia. This activity presented two speakers, the first speaker was Prod. Suyanto, Ph.d as Professor of Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person is Dr. Mrs. Eko Pujiarti, M.Pd, dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University, Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. The first speaker is Prod. Suyanto, Ph.d as Professor of Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person is Dr. Mrs. Eko Pujiarti, M.Pd, dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University, Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. The first speaker is Prod. Suyanto, Ph.d as Professor of Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person is Dr. Mrs. Eko Pujiarti, M.Pd, dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University, Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. d as Professor of Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person is Mrs. Dr. Eko Pujiarti, M.Pd, dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University, Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. d as Professor of Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person is Mrs. Dr. Eko Pujiarti, M.Pd, dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University, Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. Pd dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. Pd dean of the Faculty of Education at Wisnu Wardhana University Malang. The activity was held on Friday, August 7, 2020 and was attended by 120 people consisting of students, lecturers, teachers and the general public. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity. “How can a teacher continue to evaluate students holistically even though learning is done at home? The two resource persons gave tricks and tips to participants to keep instilling character values in online learning. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity.
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