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Efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources by exploring the potential of young Indonesians are carried out in various ways, both individually and in groups, as well as efforts made by students. The Economic Education Student Association contributes to efforts to improve human resources, especially the younger generation of Indonesia to create a competitive spirit through the 2016 Economic Intelligence Competition for SMA/MA/Equivalent levels throughout Java with the theme “Creating Intellectual People for Young Economists with Global Competitiveness” . The activity, which was held on August 6, 2016 at the FE UNY Auditorium, was attended by 14 teams who were then selected in the preliminary round to take 10 teams to advance to the top ten round. From the top ten rounds, the best 5 teams are then taken to enter the semifinals. The 5 teams are SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong team, team A SMA Negeri 1 Andong Boyolali, team B SMA Taruna Nusantara, SMA Plus team Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro, and team MAN 1 Yogyakarta. In this semifinal round, the jury asked each team a competing question and then the three teams with the highest scores were chosen. The three teams with the highest scores were won by the SMA Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro team, the SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong team, and the Taruna Nusantara SMA B team who then won the championship in the final round.
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