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Economic Education Study Program (Prodi) is one of the study programs at the Faculty of Economics (FE) Yogyakarta State University (UNY). Economic Education Study Program was officially established on September 14, 1965 based on Presidential Decree No. 268 of 1965. Routinely, the operational permit for the operation of this study program is renewed. Finally, the extension of the operational permit for this study program was granted based on the Rector's Decree No. 4255/D/T/K-N/2010.
The vision of the Economics Education Study Program FE UNY is "By 2025 to become a leading study program in Indonesia in preparing, producing and developing professional and moral economic educator candidates who have a populist economic perspective and have an entrepreneurial spirit".
The development of the Economics Education Study Program at FE UNY towards a leading study program is based on a strong philosophy, namely ontological (nature), epistemological (way of thinking), and axiological (value or for what). Ontologically, the development of the Economic Education Study Program FE UNY is essentially based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, although in form, content, and dynamic rhythm according to the situation. , place and time. Therefore, all efforts taken by the Economics Education Study Program FE UNY must produce people who believe in one God, just and civilized humanity, unite and unite Indonesia, populist and democracy by upholding deliberation in representation, justice and social solidarity. patriotism to defend the dignity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, have a tolerant spirit towards diversity, and are committed to the intellectual life of the nation. Economics Education Study Program FE UNY is committed to educating its students to have a strong Indonesian national character (nationalism) so that later they are expected to become human beings who have Indonesian identity, have comprehensive intelligent character, and are actively ready to participate in building an orderly, fair, safe, and peaceful world. .
Epistemologically, the development of the Economics Education Study Program at FE UNY towards a leading study program basically includes the development of Indonesian people as a whole, and the development of science, technology, art, and sports that can sustainably prosper the Indonesian people physically and mentally. This means that in its development process the Economics Education Study Program FE UNY is required to: (1) develop human beings according to their natural abilities (creativity, taste, intention, which can be translated into intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, adversary intelligence) and in harmony with various needs (students, parents, community, development of various sectors and sub-sectors, both primary, secondary, tertiary, and quarterly); (2) develop science and technology that is beneficial for the development of the surrounding community in particular and the Indonesian nation in general, as well as the wider human race; and (3) improve/improve the life of the Indonesian people and nation as well as humanity through the dissemination of science and technology. In addition, FE UNY must be sensitive, capable and able to respond to the future demands of the Indonesian nation in the midst of the lives of other nations in the world. For this reason, the development of FE UNY must be aligned with the demands of the times. Even FE UNY is required to have initiatives/initiatives, ways of thinking, acting, and acting that are proactive, not only active or reactive, in developing the dignity of students and building the nation.
A. Scientific Basis
The development of the Economics Education Study Program at FE UNY towards a leading study program is based on a multidimensional scientific foundation, including psychological, sociological, economic, political, and cultural foundations. In order for the development of the Economics Education Study Program of FE UNY to be carried out effectively and efficiently, all efforts taken must be based on facts, not opinions and momentary interests. This means that research and development has an important role in the future development of the Economics Education Study Program, FE UNY. Research and development carried out should include two types of analysis, both positive analysis (what actually happened impartially) and normative analysis (in favor of improving existing practices), for example improving public education, improving national character, and improvement of national education policy. This can all be realized if the Economics Education Study Program FE UNY has a structure (system), figures (HR), and a strong scientific culture, is respected, and is supported by top management.
B. Pedagogical Basis
The pedagogical foundation is the basis for the implementation of education in the Economics Education Study Program, FE UNY because education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere and learning process that is able to explore all the comprehensive potential of students (talents, interests, and abilities) as aas a candidate for education staff and development of education and teacher knowledge as well as the development of economics. The pedagogical foundation is also the basis for the development of the learning process so that future learning is more active, interactive, innovative, inspiring, fun, effective, challenging, and motivates students to develop their full comprehensive potential so that they will become educational staff and developers of education and teacher knowledge as well as developer of economics who believes and fears God Almighty, is independent, and intellectual.
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